Saturday, November 27

Paulette Macarons in Beverly Hills

Fact: I am officially crazy about french macarons. I haven't given up my love for cupcakes, but these little elegant almond cookies have taken my heart (and sweet taste-buds) by storm. I can't have enough of them and am now a determined french macaron chaser.
On our trip to Los Angeles I could not miss the chance to try Paulette Macarons in Beverly Hills. My first visit there on Wednesday turned out to be a big disappointment as they were sold out for the day (at 4pm!), I felt like throwing a fit right there in the middle of posh Beverly Hills, but gathered myself promising to come back the day after Thanksgiving. And that is what I did, this time with sister-in-law Carolyn, who endured a sugar overdose on my account (I took her to Sprinkles Cupcakes on the same day).
So far, these are the best macarons I have ever had. The cookie is just right (crunch to the bite and chewy inside) but it is the filling that is absolutely superb. I tried the Sicilian Pistachio, Coconut, Caribbean Chocolate, Passion Fruit, Sweet Wedding Almond and Madagascar Vanilla. Pistachio and Coconut were my favorites and I seriously wonder if I ever will taste something as good... well, maybe in Paris. We took some home to share with family. Mark's favorite was Passion Fruit, sweet and tart, a bit like me, he said.

Left Column (from top):
 Sweet Wedding Almond, Sicilian Pistachio and Passion Fruit
Right Column (from top):
Coconut, Caribbean Chocolate and Madagascar Vanilla

Sprinkles Cupcakes

Red Velvet and Milk Chocolate. YUM!


  1. That's SO not fair. :-P---

  2. Looks like a sugar overdose!! Pics are so cute, though. Sounds like you had a blast on vaca! Just in time for your birthday too.
    Love you!

  3. Ded, I know, so not fair that I had to come back home!

    Bean, being high on sugar helped me to forget that I was getting older! :)
