Wednesday, December 22

Christmas Goodies

There is nothing like getting a load of Christmas goodies on a rainy day. Two boxes arrived in the mail today bringing tidings of comfort and joy. One was from New Jersey with a fruitcake made my sister Emilia and six 'pães-de-mel' (chocolate covered honey cakes) that my mom, who is currently in New Jersey, brought from Brazil. The other box was from Carolyn, my sister-in-law in California, who never fails to send the most delicious peanut brittle ever, every year for Christmas. This year she added some ginger snaps cookies to the mix. YUM!

It is good to be loved! It is good to be thought of! These dear ladies made this raining day bright and warm. All I need now is a cup of tea.

Honey cakes covered with chocolate. All the way from Brazil!

Oh, the smell of Christmas! Homemade ginger snaps.

These peanut brittles are the most addictive thing ever. You keep telling yourself that you are having the last one only to go back for more, and more and more. They barely made to the pictures.
From my sister Emilia. So beautiful I could literally hang it on the wall. Yum!!!


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